Free Gratis Community Art Workshops On Saturdays at the Center from 1-3pm Halloween and Day of the Dead is coming up. Come and join us in the artful celebration. Everybody is welcome! Calendar: 2007 October 13th Halloween Fun Art projects and games November 3rd Dia De Los Muertos/Day Of The Dead Make calavera (sugar skulls) Skeleton masks December 22nd Holiday art activities Cards and ornaments 2008 January 12th 2008 Winter Art Workshop Winter themed projects and poetry workshop February 9th Valentine Workshop Making Valentine cards March 15th Clay Workshop Make a clay face April 12th Earth Day Workshop planting projects and more May 3rd Cinco de Mayo Party Make a Mexican flag and paper dolls Bark painting June 14th Summertime Fun Ocean and Beach themed art activities July 12th Drawing and Painting Workshop Rainforest Animals August 9th Mask Workshop SPONSORED BY THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY