We are proud of our Santa Ana Suzuki String students! Under the guidance of instructor Cynthia Faisst our OCCTAC students have advanced so well that six of them got to participate in this year's Orange County Suzuki Festival on November 15th, held at the Calvary Church of Santa Ana. Held annually each November the event is put on by the Suzuki Music Association of California/LA-OC. Michelle and Dominique Juarez on stage Both SASS and about 20 TEC (Talent Education Center) students participated in this event. OCCTAC SASS Students Michelle, Dominique, Adrian, Clemente, Nathalie, Jacqueline, ages 4-14 The children in the festival played a sample of pieces from the Suzuki Repertory. The concert started with advanced students playing Concertos such as the first movement from the Bach Violin Concerto for two violins. The Grand Finale featured Twinkle Variations played by nearly 300 students from as young as age 3 and up. This year SASS students will get to play Allegretto, May Song...