Nikki Soohoo and LOUDreams Exchanging Art visit OCCTAC

A big "Gracias" to our friend Nikki Soohoo who arranged the LOUDreams Exchanging Art visit to our center the last Saturday of February. Nikki and her friends created a wonderfully inspiring day for our students. Among the LOUDreams' artists were AJ Subat (singer) , Esna Yoon (singer) , Shakeib Siddiq (LOUDreams) , Joseph Aslam (LOUDreams) , Bear Allen-Blaine (drama skit; Jack and the Bean Stalk) , D Duong (DSC dancer) , Cameron Crisostomo (DSC dancer) , Vanessa Born (Bring It On actress) , Meagan Holder (Bring It On actress) and Holland Roden (Bring It On actress).