OCCTAC Hopes To Find A Permanent Home!

Newport Beach, February 2009

We are very grateful to Festival of Children Foundation President Sandy Segerstrom Daniels for opening the doors to her family's home to help us launch our first capital fundraising campaign.
OCCTAC moved two years ago to its current location to accommodate the growing need for space but we are again reaching the limits. In 2000 when we opened our doors we served about 40 families. We are now serving about 800 families! And the number of students keeps growing. It is difficult to coordinate many art classes in a space that is not specifically designed and built to facilitate our center. We know that we will be able to serve our students and community better if we can acquire a permanent center building that we can then design to our specific needs. So we are asking our friends and donors, our families and our community to help us achieve this beautiful goal. If you can help, please contact us!
Phone: (714) 547 5468. Email: Ana@occtac.org
Subject Line: A Home For OCCTAC

Many of our friends attended our very first presentation, hosted in Newport Beach.
We heard music from our harp students Jennifer and Gaby (see our video on OCCTAC TV!) and we shed tears listening to Stephanie. Stephanie is autistic. Her very dedicated parents have been bringing her to our center for several years. Her progress is remarkable! She sings opera in Italian, English and Spanish and she is getting ready to record her first CD.

Our Home Search efforts are supported by commercial real estate experts Ali Shakeri, John Harty of Voit Commercial Brokerage and legal advisor Shawn Monterastelli of Rutan & Tucker. LLP.


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