BREAKING NEWS! AN OCCTAC SPECIAL EVENT ON AUGUST 29TH, 2007 FROM 6 -9 PM. MAESTRO ALBERTO DE LA ROSA AND HIS GROUP TLEN HUICANI FROM VERACRUZ, JALAPA, WILL VISIT THE OC CHILDREN'S THERAPEUTIC ARTS CENTER TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL WORKSHOP AND JAM SESSION WITH OUR HARP STUDENTS. "From the capital city of Veracruz, Jalapa, Tlen-Huicani (pronounced wee-KAH-ne) is one of the most faithful interpreters of the traditional folk music of that state and also that of much of Latin America. Tlen-Huicani, which means "the singers" in the indigenous Indian language of Nahuatl, has taken the beautiful "harpa jarocha" or folk harp, and has made it the centerpiece of their music. Founded in 1973, the group was named best folk group in Mexico by the union of music and theater critics. Group director, Alberto de la Rosa, is one of the most respected musicians in all of Mexico, and is considered among the most outstanding folk harpists in the world. In 2003 the g...
I would have never known this about Nilo Lipiz.
I love the idea of this fundraiser. I hope you will be doing it again in the future when I can participate.
Toddler Cough