OCCTAC Receives National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Fast-Track Grant

Dear Amigos!

The Orange County Children's Therapeutic Arts Center Receives National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Fast-Track Grant to support the Harp Traditions of Latin America Festival, featuring harpists from Mexico, Paraguay, and Colombia. The project will include music instruction from international harpists, lecture-demonstrations about the historical and cultural significance of Latin American harp performance, and a culminating concert featuring harpists Alberto De La Rosa, Cesar Daniel Lopez, and Dario Robayo Sanabria.t

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Senior Deputy Chairman Joan Shigekawa announced today that OCCTAC is one of 150 not-for-profit organizations nationwide to receive an NEA Challenge America Fast-Track grant. OCCTAC  is recommended for a $10,000 grant to support the Harp Traditions of Latin America Festival.

The Challenge America Fast-Track category offers $10,000 matching grants to support projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations whose opportunities to experience the arts are limited by geography, ethnicity, economics, or disability. Challenge America Fast-Track grants support two major outcomes: public engagement with diverse and excellent art and livability, or the strengthening of communities through the arts. In this FY 2014 funding round, the NEA received 294 eligible Challenge America Fast-Track applications requesting $2.94 million in funding. The NEA will award 150 Challenge America Fast-Track grants totaling $1.5 million to organizations in 46 states, including 33 first-time NEA grantees, or 22 percent of all CAFT grantees in this round.

"We are extremely pleased to have been selected as recipients of this prestigious grant and proud to see our staff, students' and families' hard work and dedication recognized on the national level" commented president and founder Dr. Ana Jimenez-Hami.

"The NEA was founded on the principle that the arts belong to all the people of the United States," said NEA Senior Deputy Chairman Joan Shigekawa. "We're proud that Challenge America Fast-Track grants bring more opportunities for arts engagement to underserved communities."

See the complete listing of projects recommended for Challenge America Fast-Track grant support at www.arts.gov.

We thank our community for it's continued support!


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